...for my mind, body and soul.
It started with a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast, thanks to this little lady
She didn't cook, just provided the eggs |
I really enjoyed the workout and I'm so glad I'm getting back into the swing of it.
I then sat and gave my brain a good workout with my annual cashflow forecasting for my accountancy business and my personal finances (I am an accountant, what more would you expect?).
I ate an enjoyable lunch with my son.
This afternoon I considered going for that long walk I talked about but to be honest, the weather was pretty shocking and if I didn't *need* to go out then I didn't think I should (perhaps more excuses but I did work out!).
So instead I baked, I made Five-minute Carrot Cake and also Creamy Dreamy Frosting and was really pleased with how they turned out.
I also created a pasta dish for tea, wholewheat penne pasta with a sauce i kind of made up as I went along (this is normally quite dangerous for me as I'm not good at it). The sauce consisted of roasted courgette and tomatoes,
boiled carrots, some chutney, marmite and salt and pepper that I whizzed up in the food processor until lumpy but smooth (anyone know the technical term for that?). My son and I also had broccoli on the side and I topped the pasta with a small amount of soft goats cheese - YUM!
After our meal, my husband and I went for a short walk, it was only about 10 minutes but it was really refreshing (as it's cold out there) and gave us some time to talk about our day.
This evening I plan on sitting and reading whilst my husband practices his acoustic guitar - a perfect end to the day.